Massachusetts: Helpful Resources

Helpful Massachusetts Organizations

Click on the title of each resource for additional information

Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) is the largest secretariat in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Its work touches the lives of all residents. From ensuring safe drinking water to important health care research and programs for children, people with disabilities to services for the elderly, EOHHS makes Massachusetts a better place to live.

Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is dedicated to creating, in partnership with others, innovative and genuine opportunities for individuals with mental retardation to participate fully and meaningfully in, and contribute to, their communities as valued members.

Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) provides services locally via Aging Services Access Points (ASAP), Councils on Aging (COA) and senior centers in communities across the Commonwealth. This network reaches out to elders in need of services that include home care and caregiver support, nutrition programs, protective services, health and wellness services, housing options, SHINE counseling (Serving the Health Information Needs of Elders), or counseling services for elders with limited English proficiency.

Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB) provides Vocational Rehabilitation and Social Services to blind individuals, leading to independence and full community participation.

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission (MRC) provides Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Community Services, and eligibility determination for the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) federal benefits programs for individuals with disabilities, except those that are blind, leading to employment and full community participation.

Massachusetts Office on Disability (MOD) is the state advocacy agency that serves people with disabilities of all ages. MOD's primary mission is to ensure access!

Massachusetts Statewide Independent Living Council (MASILC) is a Governor appointed Council that includes people who are knowledgeable about centers for independent living and the services they provide. They are responsible for the creation of a State Plan that defines how federal dollars allocated for independent living centers and independent living services will be allocated.

Centers for Independent Living are community-based, consumer-controlled, cross-disability organizations that use a peer role modeling approach to support people with disabilities to live in the community of their choice through advocacy and services, such as peer counseling, skills training, information and referral, and individual advocacy. Click here for a list of Centers that serve the state.

Aging Services Access Points, known in the elder network as ASAPs, provide the following services: information and referral; case management; and in-home services such as homemaking, personal care, and home-delivered meals and Protective Services: investigations of abuse and neglect of elders.  There are 27 ASAPs statewide that cover every city and town. Click on for a listing of your local ASAP.

Massachusetts Association of Councils on Aging and Senior Center Directors (Massachusetts Council on Aging ) is a statewide professional organization that represents and supports the state’s 349 Councils of Aging (COAs). COAs are the only public social service agency in most municipalities and often serve as the first contact for seniors, families, and caregivers seeking to help elders remain in the community for as long as possible. COAs provide a wide variety of social and other support services from information and referral, outreach, health benefits counseling to education and wellness programs, meals, recreation, transportation, and supportive daycare.

Massachusetts Aging and Disabilities Information Locator- the Massachusetts Aging and Disability Information Locator, a public service of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services is designed to help find information on services and programs that support seniors and people with disabilities in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts Assisted Living Association (Mass-ALA) is a non-profit association devoted to supporting the establishment and operation of quality assisted living residences in Massachusetts that provide appropriate supportive housing and services for individuals with varied needs and income levels. is maintained by New England INDEX. Contained within the site is a wealth of information for people with disabilities, their friends, families and the people who serve them. Information within this site focuses on Massachusetts.

The Disabilities Resource Network is an information and referral service, serving people with disabilities in the Greater Boston area. For more information, call 781-693-5023.

For additional resources, visit: Respite Resources

Need Assistance or Have Complaints?

For Consumers

Financial, physical or verbal abuse

Disabled Persons Protection Commission (DPPC): 617-727-6465
Elder Abuse Hotline: 800-922-2275
Local Police Department

Fraud-Either Consumers or PCAs

Local Police Department
Local District Attorney's Office
MA Attorney General's Office
Bureau of Special Investigations (Medicaid fraud): 617-727-6771

For Workers

Wage Issues

Fair Labor Hotline (wage and hour complaint): 617-727-3465

Fiscal Intermediary

Discrimination, sexual harassment (must be 6 or more employees)
Mass Commission Against Discrimination: 617-994-6000

Work-related Injury

Worker’s Compensation: 617-488-6552